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Sunday, May 20, 2012

You Might Be a Redneck If......

.......this is your view from the deck:

In all seriousness, we have officially crossed over to Redneck-ville.
I mean further than normal!

Our home does not have air conditioning......really, it's common in Duluth...
But for a couple months, it can really get hot!!

So, while Adam had time, he went ahead and "installed" air conditioning for the season.
We were going to get an actual system put in, but decided to put the money towards some land instead.
So, here is our version of air conditioning.....Redneck style!

First, we had to hoist the stand onto the deck (since there are no stairs on the deck.....future project!)

Then my screen door was relaced by the "custom-made" air conditioner "frame"...
Definitely a MUCH different view than my previous one:

Then came the "gem"......the actual unit.
It fit in the "frame" and stood on the stand to make my sliding glass door now look like this:

Oh but wait!!!  The final Redneck touch.......Duct Tape!!

Now, as completely ugly as this system is, it does work great!  And since we don't have one of those dollar trees in our back yard, this is what we will live with until we get an actual "installed" system.

Donations are greatly appreciated!
And we accept Visa....

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