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Monday, April 21, 2014

{Catchy Easter themed title here}

If I were more creative, I would come up with some "egg-cellent" title, but today the energy meter is running on low.
Maybe it is because I am still pregnant.....
Anyway, even though I was hoping to have had the baby before Easter, I am glad she didn't come during Easter.  It gave me time to enjoy the festivities and beautiful weather we had for the weekend.
It all started with an Easter egg hunt in the neighborhood.....
As soon as Avery saw this lovely lady, she forgot all about eggs! 

They managed to get a few....

Then later in the day we decided to do shaving cream egg dying.  Last year, they spent hours coloring away!  This year.......well, attention spans aren't very long.
It started off well.....

Then things got a but out of hand.... 

He sure did love to be a smurf of sorts....

....but did not like having to be hosed off before coming in.
Sunday we put on all our purty outfits and got ready for church.  I had one willing to smile and "cheeeeeese!!!" for nothing....
And another that needed some bribery to stand and take a picture.  At least we aren't crying in the holiday pictures this time! 

I even got a sweet moment from him!
After church we stopped by Nana and Bompa's for a quick egg hunt in their yard. 


Mmmmmm, those eggs had candy inside!

Back home they were surprised with treats from the Easter bunny....

After Easter dinner and some more running out in the sun, the sugar high provided a nice hard crash and bedtime came easy.  I think today I need to dig into the candy stash in order to keep functioning for the rest of the day.....
"Hoppy" Easter!

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