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Friday, October 26, 2012

Avery.....8 months!

I think the 8 month age is my favorite of the baby-ness.

I just think personalities are developing, they are moving around, and they are just so darn cute!!

Here is my butterball at 8 months:

She has successfully figured out how to crawl now! 

She is so proud of herself for this accomplishment too! 

Look how big she is next to Landon now......catching up quick! 

Her other new favorite thing to do??
Dig in the Tupperware cabinet....especially now that she can crawl right over to it! 

Mom, this is so fun!! 

No worries, I like re-stacking the bowls every 5 minutes..... 

Miss Independent has also learned how to put food in her own mouth.  Puffs are a regular treat. 

And good morning!  I am now greeted this way..... 

....or like this!
The crib mattress has been lowered! 

We all went out to Boo at the Zoo....Avery's first trip to the zoo.
She is a butterfly for her first Halloween! 

Such a big girl!!  She loves to do everything her brother does! 

And he loves to "help" her out! 

The latest "adventure"??
She loves to pull up and try to stand on anything! 

I have a feeling she will walk before she is 12 months.....

Here are the stats:

Height:  27 inches
Weight:  18.5 pounds

And my absolute favorite part of this age???
She has started to "talk" and babble......

Her first word was "Mama".

Melts my heart!


  1. I feel like I have seen these exact photos before but they were a little boy!

  2. Now Diana, I think you are incorrect! Her first words were "Hi Grandpa"
