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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Taking the Challenge

At the beginning of the year, our church put out a challenge to read through the Bible in a year, 6 months, or 3 months.
I started out veeeeeery hesitant, just because I never stick to things, but ended up choosing the 6 month option.
I am proud to report that I am half way through!!!
And I have to tell you, it has not been very easy, not because I have not found it interesting, or because I haven't learned anything (I have learned A LOT!!), but because I was having trouble keeping up and putting names together and forming a mental image.
But, 5 weeks ago, the History Channel started a mini-series called "The Bible".
It was AMAZING!!!!!
Not only did it personify a lot of the names and characters throughout the Bible, but it gave a much clearer timeline to the whole thing.
I don't know if you all realize, but the Bible is not written as a continuous story from cover to cover.
The first good bit of it is a story, but then you have several books that are written by certain people who are recounting their specific experience within an event that already occurred. 
And there aren't any directions that tell you that when you read!
So, I wanted to tell you all that the Bible mini-series has come out on DVD for purchase.
And I want to encourage everyone to check it out.  Maybe buy it yourselves, maybe borrow one from a friend or the library, but make sure you watch it!
Christian or not, the stories, lessons, and images are wonderful.
Don't get me wrong, the movie spans Genesis to Revelation, so there are some unsettling moments, especially the crucifixion, obviously.
But it gives such a good explanation of the life of Jesus and the early formation of Christianity as we know it. 
If you have questions about the life of Jesus, this is a great starting point for finding answers.
Happy Wednesday!

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