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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Here is just a small sampling of the things that Landon has said (and done) recently to just put us in tears laughing!

Adam:  Hey Landon, where is your nose?
Landon:  (Puts his finger up his nose)
Adam:  (Goes through the other pieces and parts....) Landon, where's your "neener"?
Landon:  (Points between his legs) Daddy, neener! (Pointing to Adam's lap)
Adam:  Where's Mommy's neener? (Being sarcastic)
Landon:  Mommy neener all gone!

Upon waking up from nap time....
Landon:  Guy buh-bye?  (The A/C guy was here for an estimate)
Me:  Yep, he went bye-bye.
Landon:  Daddy buh-bye?
Me: No, Daddy just went out to the store.
Landon:  Daddy mall?
Me:  No, Daddy went to the boat store to look at boat stuff.
Landon:  Daddy, uh-oh.  No no!

Adam:  What does a doggy say?
Landon:  Woof Woof
Adam:  What does a lion say? 
Landon:  Roar!
Adam:  What does Mommy say?
Landon:  Daddy, no no.

And then there are the things he DOES.....

When Avery is playing on the floor...
When I aim the camera at something in front of me...
When I say to be nice to his sister (so sweet!)....
And when I say to smile...
Good thing Avery finds him funny! 

And we do too!  We love you Little Man!

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