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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Preggo Brain...

Oi!  I have self-diagnosed myself with a terrible case of Preggo Brain...

Definition of Preggo Brain:
A condition pregnant women suffer from throughout pregnancy that causes inexplainable lapses in common sense, forgetfulness, and completely absurd brain fart moments.

Please note:  While many may argue that I suffer from Preggo Brain ALL the time, not just in times of pregnancy, let me just tell you that what you thought was bad before just got outta control recently! 
Imagine that....

So, here is what led me to my official diagnosis:

1. For the past few days (at least), I have misheard things people say in the worst way.
Example:  "cardigan" was heard as "Ducati", as in the motorcycle
Example 2: "I need to stop for gas" came across to me as "honey stuck ...something....a**"
(that was a fun one to figure out)

2. I don't think I have walked into a single room recently without doing 9 different things, none of which were the reason for going in to the room in the first place.

3.  I put Landon's pants on BEFORE a diaper the other morning. No worries, he let me know. 

4.  My lists now have to include things like "do laundry", "pay bills", "call so-and-so".  I just hope I am cured before the list has to include "shower" or "put on pants". 

5.  And the finale, top notch Preggo Brain goof........I picked up Adam's toothbrush tonight and used it.  Really, I did that.  And toothbrush sharing is NEVER ok in my book.....EV-ER!!!!   After re-brushing with my toothbrush, I added "get toothbrush" to tomorrow's list.

Obviously there are several more examples of my current disease, however, I just can't seem to remember any of them......

1 comment:

  1. first off-has adam freaked out that you used his toothbrush? because he won't even share a glass with anyone. and i'm so proud of landon and his correcting you :D such a smart cookie!!!!!!
