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Friday, November 4, 2011

And the result is in......

So the ultrasound was today......

And we know the sex of the baby!!!!!!!

First off, everything looks good, baby is very healthy, and baby is quite the active little thing!
Looks amazing, huh??

So let's do a quick comparison to see what the "tests" say the sex will be:

Here is me at 20 weeks with Landon, carrying very low, indicating a boy... 
And here is 20 weeks with Baby #2, carrying much higher, which would say girl....

Then there are the cravings........

With Landon, chocolate milk and blueberries.  The sweets say girl...
With Baby #2, olives and pickles.  The savory/sour tastes say boy.....

And my favorite (because of course it is the most accurate) *snicker snicker* is the Chinese Calendar...

For Landon's pregnancy, he was a "girl".
For this pregnancy, it said "boy".

So let's tally this up........

I am carrying high (girl), craving savory (boy), and the completely hocus totally true Chinese calendar put in it's vote (boy).

And if all these "tests" were true, I would have a daughter named Landon right now, instead of this absolutely adorable, very much so a boy, BOY!

So.....drumroll please............

We are having a..........


Soooooo very excited and proud!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to meet my little niece! And get her addicted to Coach...... :D
