You know how when you have a baby and you say "I can't wait for....."?
You can't wait for them to sleep at night, or eat solids, or talk, or walk, or the list goes on....
I said all of the above for my first 2 babies and I meant it. Each milestone gave me back some part of my freedom and I loved it.
But this one is different. Maybe it is because she is probably my last, but I am just not ready for all these milestones!
And of course, Caroline has to be the baby to hit all those milestones first and earlier than the others.
At least along the way, I am glad she is such a happy, sweet baby, and I am able to see her and watch her grow (quickly!!).
Just look at her now!
This little diva is just so full of happiness and smiles!
Her latest obsession is with toys....everything is up for grabs and everything goes straight for the mouth!
She loves the bouncy saucer and will happily bounce away!
Landon and Avery love that she is responsive to them and will smile back at them. Of course, they have different approaches with her......
Landon could be left alone with her and there would be no worries. He is so gentle and loving to her!
Then there is Avery.......She may love Caroline a little too much! She can't just sit with her, she has to be on her.
If you catch them off guard, Avery can be very sweet, though....
So, now that Caroline likes to be on the floor to roll around a lot more and play in the saucer, we have discovered that she will fall asleep just about anywhere!
This works out great most of the time, but obviously it makes for a pretty big speed bump in the road!
She absolutely loves the bath and will just giggle and splash around. We call it "water aerobics".
She gets her exercise on pretty good by herself too! She has started to not only scoot all over the floor, but she will do a series of push ups as well.....I see crawling coming sooner than I am ready!
She is slowly graduating out of the kangaroo pouch and into a stroller, which is nice, but I do love having my little baby snuggle up with me!
This is what snuggling looks like these days....
She still gives it up for Daddy though.....
At her 4 month check up (which she did GREAT at, shots included!) the doctor said a few things that I was happy to hear:
-She is completely healthy
-Her eyes will stay blue (yay!!!)
-She is working her way up the growth charts and leaning towards tall
-She has begun teething!!
-24 1/4 inches tall
-13 lbs. 15 oz.
-She babbles, and makes sounds beyond her age.....guess her knack for talking came from me!
She is still an amazing eater, which has made this process so much easier! I have been trying to incorporate the bottle more so I can have some freedom from her from time to time, and it has been going alright. I bottle feed her every night, and usually she only fights me for a minute or two then gives in and takes it. Still absolutely no interest in a pacifier, but that is ok!
I think to say we are smitten is an understatement!! We all just love her and cannot imagine not having her. If only she could stay this sweet and cuddly for a while longer.....
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