Better late than never!!
Been a bit busy with moving and all (more on that later....) but we are trying to keep up with normal activities.
No matter the stresses of a complete life upheaval, this little gem is all about the smiles!
Exciting things up to this point....
First movie! We took the others to see the new "Planes" movie and she tagged along. I am sure she was completely captivated....
I love how she will just fall asleep anywhere, whenever the mood strikes her. Her daddy is that way too!
She is just so HAPPY!!! And talkative! She has started mimicking and will make sounds like "Hi" and "Hello", which is what I say to get her to smile.
See where she gets the ears.....
I was so excited this month when this happened:
But it didn't last long....that was the second and last time it has happened. Maybe in the future.....
She is getting so tired of laying on the floor. She would rather be sitting up any day!
I suppose that is why she has taken to the Bumbo rather well!
Early on, she started to show signs of trying to roll over:
Then one day it happened!! WAY earlier than Landon or Avery!
Now all she wants to do is roll around and check things out!
I wouldn't be surprised if she crawls soon too.....she already gets that butt up in the air like she is ready to take off!
We can't forget our gals day at the circus! She was such a trooper through the heat, loud noises, and smelly elephants!
She has a new-found love of dangly toys too. Again, much earlier than the other two. If this is supposed to be my last baby, why does she have to grow up so fast???!!
Of course, I have been running around like a crazy lady recently, so I *forgot* to weigh and measure her. Guess we will just wait till next month and pick a happy medium between last month and next!
My unofficial measurements, though, are:
Height: Going to be tall
Weight: Chunky
And my favorite bit to report of all......
She sleeps through the night EVERY night!!
Not just a fluke time here and there.....every night!
Still not interested in artificial means of eating, but as long as she is happy and sleeps well, I suppose there isn't much to complain about!